Medford vs strider knives
Medford vs strider knives

It's somewhat taboo to question a soldier, but does the "average" (I don't mean that disparagingly) know anymore about using a tactical knife than the average citizen.


I guess I mean does being in the armed services mean you are an operator and know how to use a blade tactically/offensively? I think even defining operator might be even more important than defining tactical sometimes. I just wish people were honest about the reasoning behind their thoughts- don't talk about your "experience" unless your willing to expand on it. Most marines will not see combat- it takes a huge support staff for every combat ready squad- logistics is a very important part of modern military infrastructure. but no info on combat experience.regiment? Deployments? Whats interesting about medford is that I can't figure out his background- he talks a lot about military experience etc. Just because an operator is issued or given a certain knife does not mean he will ever use it in the field, I can give a 1" thick chopper to a RAID or GIGN member tomorrow but I can promise you he will never carry it- issued/given does not mean used. If an operator carries a custom (I don't know any) its because he either is interested or collects knives OR because a knifemaker sent a few free knives to x unit so they can say "carried by operators". The most popular knife company (in my experience) amongst soldiers has been Gerbers, due mostly to availability at the PX. Most soldiers use whatever knife/tool they are issued and leave it at that. When I say operator I define it in the commonly accepted sense which is a member of any military unit with unique military capabilities and mission protocols or high state mission readiness (go teams etc.)

medford vs strider knives

I don't want people to think I am any kind of professional gunslinger or anything of that nature- my opinion on operators is as someone on the outside only. I am not an operator, my background is intelligence (not as a spook) but doing mostly field analytic work like field profiling, aggressive data forensics (outside clean rooms) etc.

Medford vs strider knives